252 research outputs found

    The Ideas of Federalism in the Greek political thinking in the second part of the nineteenth century

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    The Possibility for a Greek-Turkish Co-operation before the Balkan Wars

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    I would like to demonstrate the possibility of a Greek-Turkish co-operation, namely, when, what concrete ideas appeared between the two nations until the outbreak of the first Balkan War. For this, I deem it necessary to review the meaning of two substantial concepts - "Intermediate Area" and "Graeco-Turkism" - until the Young Turk Revolution

    1848/1849-es öreghonvédek törvényszéki drámája : a "Gazdagh-féle bűnpör" a sajtó tükrében

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    On 12th April 1885 a dead body was found in Budapest, on an empty plot near the Honvédmenház (Veterans’ Home) on Soroksári Road. The deceased was identified as Imre Gazdagh, a lieutenant in the 1848–49 Hungarian Revolution, murdered in cold blood. While such criminal incidents were not uncommon in the era of Dualism, the “Murder on Soroksári Road”, and the following “Gazdagh Trial” became one of the cases of the 1880s surrounded by high public interest, similarly to the Tiszaeszlár Affair and the murder of György Mailáth. The study presents the tragic incident that befell the veterans of 1848–49, and the monthslong investigation that turned the lives of the inhabitants of the Veterans’ Home upside down. Several former soldiers had been imprisoned, interrogated, had the details of their private lives publicized, largely due to the uniqueness of the case, the city’s hunger for a scandal, and the profit-motivated journalists. Through this case we can gain insight into the personnel changes at the Veterans’ Home in 1885-1886, which reveals multidirectional mobility in the institution. Many of those involved in the events left, either out of necessity or the desire to change their lives for the better, and found new homes with a patron or their families. The Gazdagh case also revealed the deaths of two officers, and shed light on the familial relations, circumstances and opportunities of the soldiers. Further research on these might clarify the details of entering, staying at, and leaving the Veterans’ Home. It is also worthwhile to examine the relationship between the veterans living inside and outside the institution, since the trial raised the question if the victim was murdered by an inhabitant of the Veteran’s Home to improve his own circumstances by taking over the role of the deceased

    Objects and polymorphism in system programming languages: a new approach

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    A low-level data structure always has a predefined representation which does not fit into an object of traditional object-oriented languages, where explicit type tag denotes its dynamic type. This is the main reason why the advanced features of object-oriented programming cannot be fully used at the lowest level. On the other hand, the hierarchy of low-level data structures is very similar to class-trees, but instead of an explicit tag-field the value of the object determines its dynamic type. Another peculiar requirement in system programming is that some classes have to be polymorphic by-value with their ancestor: objects must fit into the space of a superclass instance. In our paper we show language constructs which enable the system programmer to handle all data structures as objects, and exploit the advantages of object-oriented programming even at the lowest level. Our solution is based on Predicate Dispatching, but adopted to the special needs of system programming. The techniques we show also allow fo r some classes to be polymorphic by-value with their super. We also describe how to implement these features without losing modularity

    Etnopolitika a Balkánon

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    „Hogy együtt tisztábban lássunk…!” Vak fiatalok és felnőttek többszempontú pszichológiai vizsgálata

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    A jelen tanulmány a látássérültek kötődési mintázatára és szorongására fókuszál a iskolák szegregált vagy integrált jellege, illetve a látás elvesztését jellemző életkor és a mód aspektusából. Minta: 86 vak személy (48 nő és 38 férfi, átlag életkor: 37,4 év; SD = 15,4 év), akiknek 50%-a szegregált, 50%-a integrált oktatásban vett részt iskolás évei alatt. Módszer: RSQ Kapcsolati kérdőív, Beck-féle Szorongás Leltár, iskolákkal és a látás vesztés idejére és módjára vonatkozó kérdések. Eredmény: a vakok között magas az elkerülő kötődésű személy, a szegregált vagy integrált képzésnek azonban nincs szignifikáns hatása sem a kötődési mintázatra, sem a szorongásra. A látás elvesztés életkorának és módjának sincs szignifikáns hatása e változókra